Gotham Diary:

Hats off! To Steve Laico, of Searchlight Consulting, for all the fantastic work that he has put into making The Daily Blague / reader look as good as it does. Armed as he is with the patience of ten saints, there isn’t anything that Steve can’t do.

As with any renovation, there is a lot of dust left to settle. A creature of routine, I haven’t mastered the new one, and I forget tasks left and right. More than that, my attention is so flattened by stepping over the new construction that I don’t notice anything interesting; I’m just trying to keep my balance. It’s a dull season outside of my head as well. The big excitement this week has been worrying about a power outage: the very opposite of inspiring.

One thing that I’m trying to get used to is the dismal fug that I wake up to most mornings. Having stayed up reading RSS feeds, I’m primed with news, most of it not good. How are we ever going to work our way out of this mess, I ask myself, knowing that the only hopeful answer involves a combination of luck and inertia. This has worked well for humanity over the centuries: the idea is that the inertia keeps anything from happening until the luck sails in. Which, however, it doesn’t always do.

Here’s a tidbit for the Luddites in the audience: I’m well-informed about the bad news of the world because the iPad makes it so easy to read the Internet. I used to skim through feeds — when I didn’t simply bunch hundreds of them together and “mark as read.” If it weren’t for the iPad, I’d be a happier man.

No, I don’t believe it, either.