My New Site

In a couple of days, this site has passed from Sandbox to Home-Sweet-Home. My allegiance has already been transferred – to the extent that this post isn’t going to appear at the old Daily Blague. I feel as though I’m graduating from a really hard boarding school, one run by Mena Trott. Except that I don’t feel that I learned anything particularly useful under the tutelage of MovableType.

WordPress has already won my heart in two ways. First, comment moderation. Everyone’s initial comment is moderated and thereafter approved (or forever rejected!). This bit of Internet hygiene is utterly basic, and there’s nothing that anyone at MT can say that will ever alter my position, which is that they were as thoughtless as the bureaucrats who thought that holes in the floor were good enough toilets on Chinese trains. Second, I can post in advance, and the post won’t show before its timestamp. This is another elementary convenience that was beneath the attentions of the Internet Zsa-Zsa.

 Justified paragraphs, I’m told, may be a struggle. Do I know struggle!