Monday Scramble: Holding


Six or seven hours have passed since I posted this picture this morning. I downloaded it from the camera, cropped and resized it, and uploaded it to the blog server with Will perched on one shoulder. That was as much as I could do with one hand.

As you can see, Will is on the verge of mastering the art of holding his own bottle. Hand and eye are working in harness. It is no longer accurate to say of Will that he can’t do anything.

Meanwhile, I am on the verge of a time-out, and I’ve decided to give myself a spring break, at the end of the month and possibly into the first week of June. From the Daily Office, at least. I want to put some time into redesigining the site for the iPad. I don’t know what The Daily Blague will look like on conventional computer screens, but I don’t much care: at some not-to-distant point in time, anyone who wants to read this site will do so on an iPad or equivalent. A new look and feel is in order.