Dear Diary: Not Rosarno


At the café where we had dinner this evening, the proprietor was watching a Berlusconi spettacolo on RAI, heaven only knows why. Then the scene changed, and a lot of blacks were surrounded by ruins. “Is that Rosarno?” I asked, alluding to the race-riots that erupted in southern Italy a few days ago. I am so slow. It takes a full day for me to register news.

Kathleen and I have long felt that the entire population of Haiti ought to be taken into a witness protection program in some economically sounder environment — almost anywhere, in other words. I wouldn’t object to Haitians coming en masse to the United States, if they wished. If there was ever a polity that needed a time out, Haiti’s it.

Does anyone else remember Kissinger calling Aristide a “psychopath” on Charlie Rose? (I was still watching the odd evening show in those days.) Imagine trying to get to the bottom of that! With help from Christopher Hitchens, bien sûr!