

It appears that the big storm that we were told to brace for has passed us by. We can expect flurries tomorrow, according to the Times. I don’t know whether to sigh with relief or pout with disappointment. Part of me will always love the disruption caused by a major snowfall. No school today!

(I will kill, however, anyone who thinks that power outages are “fun.” Don’t try me!)

Did I mention the wi-fi voodoo witch doctor the other day? I’m too lazy to check. We were experiencing the oddest service interruptions in the bedroom, where the laptop lives. Was it the plaster that makes the cheek-by-jowl proximity of New York life bearable? I thought so. Or perhaps it was the Klipsch RoomGroove (the speaker system for the Nano). I asked my doctor. Tonight, however — before the doctor could get back to me — we found out. It’s the halogen lamps, especially the one that’s on a dimmer. “Turn it off!” I cry. “But how can I read without a good light?” Kathleen wants to know. My reply was objectionable. But as soon as they’re available again, I’m going to buy her a Kindle.