Weekend Update (Sunday Edition): At Large


This evening, right after Kathleen went off to see Star Trek with Fossil Darling and Quatorze, I packed my leather shoulder bag with a few accoutrements and padded down 86th Street to Carl Schurz Park. I climbed the stone steps to the right of the allée and threaded my way to the walk the lies between the paved playing field and the children’s playground. I sat down at the first of the four (or is it five) chess table that alternate with park benches on the playground side of the walkway. I withdrew the accoutrements from my shoulder bag, placing them, as illustrated, on the table. I pressed the I/O button on the small, playing-card sized object that you can see to the right of the netbook. When the smaller light, the one to the left, began to flash, I opened the netbook, woke it up, and clicked to connect to the Verizon wireless network that headed the list of “available” wireless networks. And it really was available, because the password was already stowed in the dialogue box. 

The first thing that I did when machine connected to the Internet was to write to JM, signing myself as his Number One Satisfied Customer. JM calls himself a technician, but I regard him a local Manhattan deity.  

Shortly afterward, I packed up my bag and walked home. Mission accomplished. And without a hitch. The MiFi — Verizon’s wireless cellular router — works as advertised.