Wednesday, 18 May 2011

¶ Our eyebrows cocked at the mention of an understandably surreptitious luxury private club in the Jian Fu Palace Garden of the Imperial Palace in Beijing. We hope to hear more about this operation, which appears to be the backwash of a preservation project designed by Pei Partnership Architects and funded by Hong Kong jillionaires. Forbidden fun in the Forbidden City! Doesn’t get any better. All they need is DSK. ¶ Sometimes, it’s hard to tell the goose from the golden eggs — which is the one that will work better in your portfolio? Silicon Valley’s ground assault walkers (Google, Facebook, &c) have been buying up start-ups not in order to own the latest gizmos but to shut them down and “acqhire” the engineers who designed them. It will be interesting to see if the fizz kills the whiz. ¶ Now it can be told: Elaine Kaufman’s eponymous eatery, long a watering hole for literary lions, wasn’t doing so well even before she died. Not six months later, her heir, Diane Becker, is closing the joing. “The nature of a business is to make a profit.” Hemingway himself couldn’t have put it more concisely.